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Copy That Pops: Writing Tips and Psychology Hacks for Business

Oct 31, 2018

$240,000 in one interview? How is that possible? Kelly Glover stops by for a private VIP chat with my bestselling author client Larry Roberts and me to reveal:

• how to make a lot of money from podcasts as a host and as a guest
• how to grow your audience for your brand and business
• the exact steps to take to...

Oct 11, 2018

What if we understood the underlying principles of persuasion and how to apply them ethically to improve all our writing?

If you’ve ever wondered why some techniques work when it comes to persuasion (plus how to apply it to all forms of writing!), then this episode is for you.

Laura sits down with guest Brian Ahearn...

Oct 5, 2018

Where do podcasts, books, and smart media exposure intersect? Find out today!

We sit down with Jessica Rhodes, founder of Interview Connections, the largest and most successful guest booking agency for podcasters and guest experts in the United States. They've booked thousands of interviews since their founding in...