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Copy That Pops: Writing Tips and Psychology Hacks for Business

Mar 6, 2018

I’ve got a quick Q and A session about book writing and self-publishing!

I decided to answer an email with an audio response to a writer and future author!


A few exciting highlights include:

- Find out where I’m recording part of this episode!
- Self-publishing vs. Hiring a publishing company
- What do I have to get finished in 22 days?!


Take Action Now!

  1. Free TRAINING on Hitting Amazon Best Seller!
  2. Free COMMUNITY to Collab with as you Write Your Best Seller!
  3. The Best CLASS to Hit Amazon Best Seller! (This is the best way to achieve success)*


Links to Things Mentioned in This Podcast Episode:



Read More:
Shownotes for 116: Q&A With Aspiring Author on Self-Publishing Versus Traditional Book Publishing